Wreckfest xbox series x
Wreckfest xbox series x

wreckfest xbox series x

Your menu and loading times are no longer almost equal to your racing times. Wreckfest took about a minute to load a race on last-gen consoles, and that’s been reduced to about a quarter of that on Series X. The faster loading has made the racing genre worth looking at for non-fans. It’s something I wrote about pretty extensively in my Dirt 5 review, and I keep getting reminded of it time and time again. On that point, I think the next-gen effect on racing games is worth mentioning here. There’s also online modes, cars to collect and tinker with and more to see, so serious racing fans could easily get more mileage out of this than I did. There’s plenty to do, and going through this will net you a good 13 hours or so of entertainment and 600+ gamerscore. The game’s “story” mode – a curated series of events – is the best way to see these upgrades. The 4k really makes everything sharp and clear, while the increased framerate gives it an energy it lacked before. It’s not at the level of some of the flagship sims graphically, but it’s high enough up there that it’s not at all out of place on a top-end Oled. On Xbox Series X, this game runs at 4k and 60fps.


Hopefully this patch will propel it to the level it deserves. Its 80+ Metacritic score has done nothing but get it a bit of a cult following, it seems. Wreckfest is an awesome game in its own right, and I’m surprised that isn’t more apparent in online conversations. It’s fun, and now it feels appropriately fast as well. The smooth 60fps kicks Wreckfest into another gear. You know what helps with this kind of second-by-second smash action? A higher framerate, and luckily this latest next-gen patch allows for just that. Point being, getting first here isn’t necessarily about making it over the finish line the fastest. Others are on courses you’d expect in other games, although here bonuses are rewarded usually based on how much damage you cause. Some of these are on courses in the shape of a figure of eight, meaning you’re likely to be in a few crashes. On top of destruction derbies and novelty events, there are also traditional races.

wreckfest xbox series x

That’s how I play Forza too, but here it’s encouraged. You get in, you bash your opponents and, hopefully, you get out in first place. Destruction AllStars and the constant call for Twisted Metal proves there’s a demand for a less polished driving experience – preferably the kind where a stiff drink behind the wheel feels almost encouraged. Wreckfest occupies a niche that shouldn’t be a niche. Not a motorised couch in sight (and yes, you read that right). Since then, the great American racer abandoned enthusiastic crowds of rednecks for shiny cars in exotic places. It was Destruction Derby on the PS1, and Driven to Destruction on PS2. It’s only every so often that a game like this comes along. Stick on your seatbelt and get ready for the best bumpy ride you’ll ever have.

wreckfest xbox series x wreckfest xbox series x

With a new 4K/60FPS patch on Xbox Series X, it’s worth taking another spin around the block. Play it on PC, play it on Xbox – but play it. Why aren’t more people talking about Wreckfest? It’s not only an awesome game, but it’s right there on Game Pass. It’s the hidden gem of the bus smashin’, double-decker car ridin’, lawnmower racin’ genre – and now Wreckfest has got that shiny next-gen glean to go along with it.

Wreckfest xbox series x